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Best Disney Cruise Ship For Preschoolers

Disney Cruises Offer Special Childcare Options for Children of All Ages

Toddlers or Preschoolers

Toddlers and preschoolers will be able to spend their time in the Oceaneer Club, which is designed for children ages 3 to 7. This club offers a variety of activities, including storytelling, games, and arts and crafts. There is also a splash area and a movie theater.

Children Ages 8 to 12

Children ages 8 to 12 will be able to hang out in the Oceaneer Lab, which is designed for children of this age group. This club offers a variety of activities, including video games, science experiments, and cooking classes. There is also a dance floor and a karaoke stage.


Teens will be able to chill out in Vibe, which is designed for children ages 13 to 17. This club offers a variety of activities, including movies, video games, and music. There is also a dance floor and a lounge area.
